Tips On How To Maintain A Pest Free Garage

Pest Free Garage DoorThere are many advantages to keeping your garage and garage doors in good order. For starters, you will feel a lot more comfortable and at ease knowing that your garage and garage doors are clean and functional. You also do not have to worry about any neighbours or house guests glancing into your garage and being horrified at the mess within.

Another benefit of looking after the standard of cleanliness in your garage is that you will not have to worry about household pests. However, if you do have problems with pests in your garage, here are some tips on how to maintain a pest free garage.

A Seamless ExperienceCheck your garage door

One of the most common ways that pests of all sizes get into people’s garages is through garage doors. Carefully examine the weatherstripping at the bottom of your garage door to see whether it is fully intact. If it looks worn out or damaged, pests can make their way through the weatherstripping of your garage door to get into your garage. Therefore, it is a sign that you need to get garage door repairs or a garage door service done.

Clean out the garage

Of course, the easiest way to keep the pests away is to keep your garage clean! If you have a rubbish bin in your garage, make sure that it is sealed shut or better yet, move it somewhere else entirely. Furthermore, try to avoid keeping any food or food scraps in your garage. Tidy up your garage space regularly and schedule a deep cleaning at least once every year. The less cluttered your garage is, the easier you will be able to identify if any pests have taken residence there.

ThermaDoorGet rid of pest access areas

Want to keep pests out of your garage? Then block off their access areas! Keep a lookout for any nooks and crannies in your garage wall or around the garage door where smaller critters could be making their way through. You can do this by taking a flashlight and inspecting all corners of your garage closely. You should do this on a regular basis, as cracks and crevices could appear where they were not there before!

Seal up the cracks

Once you have located the possible entry points for any pests, the next step is to make sure that they are filled and sealed. You can use caulking or any other sealant to fill up the gaps and holes as required. Other areas you should look at include the seals around your drains and vents, which should be tightened to prevent pests from moving from one part of the house to another. Your heating and cooling units should also be sealed and connected appropriately so that exposed pipes and gaps are not easily accessible.

Moist AreasEliminate moist areas

Did you know that many household pests, like cockroaches for example, are highly attracted to moisture? Damp spaces make great nesting places for pests and before you know it, you could have a breeding infestation on your hands. Prevent this from happening by regularly checking your piping and roofing for any leaks, including the pipes in your walls. You can also think about installing a ventilation fan in order to improve air circulation and clear out air moisture.

If you are having issues with your garage door, do not hesitate to call in a professional to help you sort it out. The expert team at AllStyle Garage Doors & Window Shutters have the skills and experience to service and repair all types of garage doors. Get in touch to find out more today.

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