BnD Auto-Lock
Auto-Lock for your Garage Door – Your garage door is the largest door in your home and plays an important role in protecting what’s most precious to you. Whether it’s cars, bikes, gym equipment or home office supplies, garages contain high-value items, making them appealing targets for intruders.
You might think your garage is secure, but most garage doors don’t actually lock when closed, which is an open invitation for troublesome thieves. Level up your garage door security with Auto-Lock; B&D’s advanced automatic locking bolt specially designed to keep your home safe.
Locked shut, every time
In response to a growing demand for extra security and convenience, B&D developed Auto-Lock – a wireless, heavy-duty locking bolt that automatically engages every time you close your garage door.
When used with an automatic opener, Auto Lock more than doubles the force required at the lock point to lift the door from a closed position, helping protect you and your family.
Made by B&D, tested on B&D doors
A B&D garage door equipped with Auto-Lock is a door that locks itself. B&D tests Auto Lock on all B&D doors to ensure the two work perfectly. When paired together, they provide an unparalleled level of security.
Cutting-edge technology
Engineered with smart, keyless technology to offer optimum protection, Auto-Lock is operated using nothing but your remote control or smartphone. That means only you, or those you allow, have access to unlock your door.
Unlike other automatic garage door locking systems, Auto Lock is completely wireless, so there’s no need for additional wiring.
Sleek, seamless design
Designed to fit flawlessly and discreetly within your garage door, Auto-Lock is well-built and sturdy, without being bulky.
Effortless installation
As a B&D Accredited dealer, AllStyle Garage Doors & Window Shutters can easily install Auto Lock on your new garage door or an existing B&D door.
Which B&D products is Auto-Lock available with?
Auto Lock for Roll-A-Door
- Auto-Lock is now available for Roll-A-Door Deluxe and Roll-A-Door Neo, as an optional extra.